Wednesday 14 August 2013

Blog Post No. 6 – Manitoba-Ontario Border to Sault Ste. Marie

We entered Ontario west of Kenora early on Saturday evening, July 6.  It was raining lightly, but it felt good to see trees and rocks again, and lots of lakes.  Kenora seemed like a nice town, on the north shore of Lake of the Woods.  There was a wedding going on at the tourist information centre and no place to camp in or near town, but Rhonda phoned around and found us a spot at Willows Campground east of town.  It was nothing special, but they did have laundry facilities, and were showing a movie, which the girls enjoyed.  The next day we turned off the main highway and headed south to Fort Frances, and found a place to camp in a municipal park on the shores of Rainy Lake.  It was nice to get to our campsite relatively early in the afternoon for a change, and we enjoyed a swim in the lake that afternoon as well as the following morning before continuing to the east.  Monday was mostly just a driving day, and we got to Thunder Bay in mid-late afternoon and went to get gas and then to a mall for some shopping.  We found a place to camp at Trow Bridge Park on the eastern edge of town, and had dinner as well as a bit of a walk before bedtime.

On Tuesday morning (July 9), we awoke to fog, so we decided to make this a longer driving day.  However, we had to stop first at the Terry Fox memorial and viewpoint (couldn’t see anything) just east of our campsite.  We continued to Marathon, where we had a marathon shopping experience, and drove to White Lake Provincial Park for the night.  We decided to have a campfire after dinner using our propane fireplace, but the bugs were bad so we also set up our dining tent – a good thing, because it poured with rain, turning our campfire into a sauna.  Before the downpour Lyndsay made a bike trip back to the office hoping to buy marshmallows, but they didn’t have any so our S’Mores were cancelled.

It was still cloudy with intermittent rain showers on Wednesday morning.  After packing up we continued east to Wawa, where we stopped to see the giant Canada Goose, saw “Gitchie Goomies” in the gift shop, and had lunch at SubWay.  Continuing east, the rain ended at some point, and we stopped at Katherine Cove in Lake Superior Provincial Park to play in the waves.  It seemed just like any number of ocean beaches we have seen over the years, and it’s hard to believe that this is a lake, not the ocean.  Finally, we continued to Sault Ste. Marie, where we stopped at a Wal-Mart to shop, have dinner, and spend the night.  Our fourth Wal-Mart night so far, and this was Day 19 of our trip.

                                            Lake of The Woods, southeast of Kenora
                                                     At Rainy Lake, Fort Frances

                                               Gitchie Goomie and Giant Goose at Wawa




                                               Playing at Katharine Cove, Lake Superior


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