Wednesday 14 August 2013

Blog Post No. 11 – Toronto

We arrived in Toronto late in the afternoon of Friday July 19 and immediately headed for a music store on Bloor Street, because Shannon needed some valve oil for her trumpet.  It was a narrow street with suicidal cyclists and nowhere to park the RV, so I dropped Rhonda and the girls off and drove around several blocks before picking them up again.  It was a nice day, so we decided to go to the CN Tower and possibly have Lyndsay’s birthday dinner there, but with a combination of road construction and people heading to a Blue Jays game there was nowhere to park anywhere near the place, so we decided to head to the legislature instead.  Suddenly the wind came up, the sky turned black, and a heavy rain and thunder storm ensued.  We later learned that several trees were broken or blown down in the storm.  We waited out the storm at the legislature (didn’t get out of the RV), made some phone calls, and decided to hotel it for the night.  We made our way out to Scarborough, where there was a Super 8 motel that allowed dogs, stopping first to buy some sushi as well as pie for Lyndsay’s birthday dinner.  By then the storm had passed.  The girls went to the pool, and we watched a bit of mindless TV before bed, for a change.
                             Lyndsay's "Birthday Pie".  Salty appears to have had a tiring day. 
Continental breakfast was included with the room – it wasn’t much, but it filled the hole. The girls went swimming while we packed, then we drove to the nearest subway station and parked for the day, breaking a clearance light on the RV while trying to get into the parking lot.  Unfortunately Salty had to stay in the motorhome.  We took the subway to the closest station to the CN Tower, only to be swallowed up by another Blue Jays crowd.  Still, we went up the tower to see what was to be seen, including the Toronto Islands and the game down below.  There was a short film about the Boeing 787 and a silly little “4D” ride to go on at the base of the tower, then we went to find a bookstore for Lyndsay.  It was too late to go to the Toronto Islands, so we took the subway to the legislature and looked around there before taking the train back to the subway station where the RV was parked and Salty was waiting.  We then drove west to Canada’s Wonderland, looking unsuccessfully for a campsite on the way, and just ended up parking in their lot for the night.  It was another hot day.

C.N. Tower

Ontario Legislative Buildings, Toronto

Shannon practicing in the parking lot at Canada's Wonderland

Sunday July 21 was all about Canada’s Wonderland.  We had breakfast in the RV, then went into the park, watched a diving exhibition and did a few rides.  The last ride before lunch was a river rafting ride and we all got soaked, especially Rhonda and I, so we returned to the RV to change clothes, have lunch, and walk the dog.  Back in the park we saw a musical revue show with “the British Invasion” theme and did some more rides, including Rhonda doing one of the extreme roller coasters.  We did another water ride and all got soaked again, so it was back to the RV to change clothes and have dinner.  We went back into the park for a third time do to a few more rides, including Rhonda doing the other extreme roller coaster, then left the park, heading east to Cobourg where we stayed for the night in a Wal-Mart parking lot – our sixth Wal-Mart stay so far this trip.

                                 Above: Rhonda, Shannon and Lyndsay at Canada's Wonderland


  Bruce and Lyndsay getting soaked

Below left: Rhonda waiting for a ride, like the insane roller coaster shown below right   

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