Sunday 8 September 2013

The Last Post - Updated

Hi All

It's December 17, three and a half months since we got home and only one week until Christmas Eve.  I now finally have our story fully updated, and appropriate representative photos uploaded.  I suppose at some point I'll take save this in hard copy form and as a permanent record on our own network, and then take this blog down, but for the foreseeable future I'll leave everything up here so that those that are interested can have a look.  Thanks for reading!

Some Statistics

Total Distance Driven: approx. 21,000 km
Total Litres of Gas: to be determined
Average Fuel Consumption: to be determined, but it wasn't good!

Total time of trip: 72 days, 71 nights

Number of Nights in Each Province
  • BC - 8 (11.3%)
  • Alta - 5 (7.0%)
  • Sask - 4 (5.6%)
  • Man - 4 (5.6%)
  • Ont - 26 (36.6%)
  • Que - 4 (5.6%)
  • NB - 4 (5.6%)
  • NL - 6 1/2 (9.2%)
  • NS - 5 (7.0%)
  • PEI - 3 (4.2%)
  • Interprovincial ferry - 1 1/2 (2.1%)
Number of times we were able to spend two nights in a row at the same location: 8
Nights in hotels: 2
Nights in friends/families homes or driveways: 14
Nights in parking lots (mostly Wal-Mart): 14 1/2
Nights on ferries: 1 1/2
Nights at National Parks: 7
Nights at Provincial Parks (BC - 2, SK - 1, ON - 6, NL - 1): 10
Nights at Municipal Campgrounds: 7
Nights at Private RV Parks: 15

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